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With steroid use, a person illegally purchases testosterone (either from ‘black market’ websites or other individuals) and uses it in abnormally high doses. What Is Testosterone and What Is Its Function? Testosterone hormone synthesis occurs primarily in the male testes and the female ovaries, with a small amount also coming from the adrenal glands. Supplemental testosterone comes from pharmaceutical laboratories and is considered a bioidentical form of hormone replacement therapy. It replicates natural testosterone and works on the same androgen receptor cells in the body. Is testosterone a steroid hormone, and what does that mean? Hormones are either steroids, amino acids, peptides, or eicosanoids, and each has a specific action or set of functions in the body. Steroid hormones (also called androgens), including testosterone, are derived from cholesterol. Testosterone is fat-soluble, meaning it cannot move freely in the bloodstream as other water-soluble hormones. Therefore, testosterone attaches to one of two proteins ‘ sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) or albumin for transport to the body’s many androgen receptors (ARs). Once testosterone arrives at a receptor, it separates from the protein to bind with and enter the cell. The activity promoted by testosterone depends on the location of the androgen receptor. Testosterone steroid benefits vary based on whether the AR location is on a muscle, bone, organ, in the brain, or other areas of the body. Some of the critical functions of testosterone include: Supporting cognitive processing, memory, and neurogenesis Stimulating metabolism Strengthening bones and muscles Enhancing sexual functions and desires Promoting hair growth Increasing red blood cell production. Testosterone also helps maintain insulin sensitivity in the body’s cells to keep blood sugar levels in check. People with normal testosterone levels will experience better sleep, energy, and reduced stress than those who have low testosterone. What Is a Steroid, and How Does It Work? The other aspect of testosterone, anabolic steroid use, is entirely different. In this scenario, a person administers exceptionally high doses of testosterone with one goal in mind ‘ physical enhancement. Whether it is increased strength, speed, or muscle mass, steroid use can make that happen. Using testosterone as a steroid is illegal. That does not stop people from doing it, superdrol sale. Testosterone is both anabolic and androgenic. It builds muscle while supporting male characteristic development. That is also why women who use testosterone as a steroid experience breast tissue shrinkage, increased muscle mass, deeper voice, menstrual irregularities (or cessation), and clitoral enlargement.
As steroids are to act as the alternative product to natural hormone, it is to effectively impact different body parts such as bones, muscles, hair, liver, follicles, blood, kidney, reproductive system and immune system as well as central nervous system, superdrol sale.

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